Hoya for Sale


Phragmipedium, Paphiopedilum, Dendrobium, Lycaste, Miltoniopsis, and Sobralia 








Last modified: May 01, 2013

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This is the current listing available. After May 20, 2013 I should be adding a couple more species.


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Hoya leucorhoda nice clean foliage, rich green leaves at every stem node (some Hoya have long bare stems between tufts of leaves) very attractive. Has not started blooming for me yet, handsome white corolla with a red corona. Two clones available, IML-0518 from Liddle nursery and a clone from Ted Green. Please specify if you have a preference. unrooted cuttings $ 7
Hoya lacunosa cultivar 'Lanakai Island'- small leaf variety - Thanks Carol for the help with the ID. This is the smallest leaf form of lacunosa. This is a  Thai clone from Lanakai Island. It is a delightful, small growing Hoya that is perfect for a hanging basket. Growth habit is vigorous, it can be pendant, though it does like to climb & twine more. The umbels of small white flowers are intensely fragrant, think of the pleasant aspects of paper-white narcissus, some say its fragrance is more like carnations, it is pleasant none the less. Easy to grow. Great in baskets or on a trellis. unrooted cuttings $ 5
Hoya cagayanensis (sensu C. Burton) also known as H. pimenteliana (sensu Kloppenberg & Green) there is disagreement between experts on the correct name. The Liddle Nursery accession number IML-1600 uniquely identifies this particular asexually propagated clone, eventually there will be a settled name for this plant. One of the best smaller growing Hoya for pleasant fragrance. Wonderfully fragrant day and night, ¼ inch white flowers, in umbels of 4 to 10, with a nice floral gardenia scent during the day, fragrance shifts to a strong wintergreen scent after midnight until sunrise. A smaller growing twining vine with light green leaves 2 to 4 inches long. This plant is a third of the size of the common Hoya carnosa. Delightful flowers, and you don't have to be nocturnal to enjoy their fragrance, but if you are up in the very early morning darkness, there is a special treat when the wintergreen scent is wafting through the room. unrooted cuttings $ 7
Hoya species not yet determined from Ban Ngong Ngoy, Thailand, IML-1514, has  really nice foliage, 4 to 6 inch deep green leaves with silver flecks. The green has a dark almost blue-black shade to it in some light situations. Highlights the silver flecks well. It is a vigorous twining vine, that has really grown well for me. It has flowers slightly larger flowers, with similar quantity as pubicalyx. Flowers are a purple-red, with a fragrance that is pleasant, similar to carnosa. When the taxonomists get around to this one, it will most likely be determined that this is a superior example of the species H. pubicalyx or it will be given species status in its own right. It might be different enough. I like it better than my pubicalyx. It certainly blooms easy, even in low light. You can have fun with this one, training the strong vining stems to climb & wander across a room, lots of possibilities here. Want to dress up a 2 story macramé, this is the species use. You can keep it compact with regular pruning, a very accommodating plant. If it were up to me I'd name this clone "Starry Night" after the van Gogh painting. 2 unrooted cuttings for the price $ 7


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Last modified: May 30, 2013